The anchor in-person health summit for Ireland in 2021.
This annual event enables national and global collaboration to drive innovation in health and the delivery of health. This year it was enlightening to hear of the success in combatting Covid-19 which brought the country to two lockdowns. Additionally the twin pandemic, Cybersecurity hit the country in May 2021 where my fellow panelist and colleague John Swords, HSE shared the phenomonal story of the committment and dedication on the successes to sustain the workforce of Ireland’s National Health Service Executive during these difficult times.
Emphasis on the benefits of International Co-operation from the story behind Operation Warp Speed captured the summit attendees from keynote speaker and my esteemed fellow panelist Eric D Hargan, former United States Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services, Oct’ 2017 to Jan’ 2021
I was delighted to be invited to share my hands on experience, observations and thoughts around Trends and Innovation in Health and Life Sciences bringing insights from America to the audience always highlighting the need to have Cybersecurity on the C-suite agenda for leadership at all times, for any digital transformation or innovation.